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Word Typing with levels

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High Score All Levels: 0
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Word Typing(words per minute)

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Top Speed: 0 words per minute

Text Typing(characters per second)

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Top Speed: 0 characters/s
Turbo Typing: Begin your journey with our word per minute typing test and discover how many words per minute you can type. Progress through our typing tutor for word per minute, which guides you from the basics to advanced techniques.
Typing Games with Words per Minute: Challenge yourself with our typing games that measure your WPM and adapt to your skill level, pushing you to improve with each keystroke.
Turbo Typer: Compete in our Turbo Typer challenges, where you race against the clock, typing words with precision and speed across levels that range from a generous 10 seconds to a mere 1 second.
Free Typing Test Words per Minute: Test your limits with our free typing tests and track your progress. Our tests are not just about speed but also about accuracy, ensuring you become proficient in both.
Typing Practice Games with Levels: Enjoy our typing practice games that come with various levels, each designed to help you type faster, better, and more efficiently.
Turbo Type Game: Experience the thrill of our Turbo Type game, where every word counts and every second matters. It’s not just a game; it’s a race to the top of the typing leaderboard!
Join us at and transform your typing skills from slow and steady to turbo-charged! Whether you’re looking to improve your typing for professional growth or just for fun, our games are sure to keep you engaged and progressing. Start typing, start winning!